This webpage is linked/generated by QR Code for Lycian Way, Step-by-Step Lycian Way. There is a QR code for each route where all the details, updates and latest news cannot be included in the book.
For each route additional and important informations will be shared from these links. Updates, latest news, explanations, photos, so that the book will be lighter in weight. No route descriptions here, only GPS (Wikiloc) link which is included in book as well.
What is included here?
1- Up-to-date information (if there is any - the latest status about the route will be shared here)
2- Wikiloc GPS link
3- Critical spots, not to be missed points and photos
4- Warnings (spots and photos)
5- More photos to describe the whole route
It may be useful and helpful for you to check these links before you set off
Do not hesitate to share your opinions, revision & update requests that you might have possibly detected during your walk. All views are welcome to the email address
Please do not forget to include a photo and description (event, status, date etc.) for informational and evidential purposes. We may share your name here with a reference if you want to.
This is a collective contribution to develop a better trail for those who will walk after you.
IMPORTANT NOTE: All articles, photos and content on this book and blog subject to Law of Intellectual Property Rights. It cannot be copied without permission, the content, photos or some part of it cannot be used without showing the source, without getting the written permission of the author and website owner.
Boğazcık çıkışındaki yol tabelası |
Boğazcık'tan Kılınçlı'ya doğru |
Kılınçlı köy yoluna çıkış. Aperlai'ye inen patikalar 150 metre ileride. |
Köy yolundan patikalara giriş. |
Bir süre sonra Aperlai'ye iniş başlıyor. Patikalar zor değil ama kayalık olmasından dolayı dikkatli olmakta fayda var |
Yassıca Tepe sırtlarında Sıçak Yarımadası ve sahili görmeye başlayacağınız noktalardan biri |
İniş sırasında yer altında kalmış yapılar, sarnıçlar karşınıza çıkmaya başlıyor. |
Bugün Aperlai'nin bir kısmının da sular altında olduğu Asar Koyu. |
Aperlai |
Aperlai şehir surları |
Asar Koyu, özellikle sabah saatlerinde dingin oluyor |